Thursday, September 25, 2008


For the last 2o or 30 minutes I've had this issue getting my eyes to focus on things. I'm guessing that's directly related to the fact that I just spent over two hours playing this game called "Word Warp" on my phone. I got all anxious and started holding it closer and closer to my face, and by the time the game ended I was starting to have some issues keeping my eyes in focus. The little letters were looking quite blurry. I had to get up and go try to focus on something that is far away. That didn't go well. I was getting kind of worried that I'd just caused some permanent vision damage, and for what? So I could break my own high score (mission accomplished). However, things are starting to get back to normal, but take it from me, when they tell you it's bad for your eyes to stay focused on something that's being held way too close for long periods of time, there seems to be something that.

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