Friday, August 19, 2011

New Folks

My classmates have at long last started to arrive. A whole herd of them came all at once this afternoon. Our platoon sergeants let us hold unders stand out in the barracks entrance and watch them yell and freak out at the new students as they arrived. It was actually more entertaining than I had anticipated. I liked watching them assume this wide-eyed deer in the headlights look as they walked through the door. It was even more interesting when one of them did something stupid and got singled out for some individual torment.

The new students were shuttled into the multi-purpose room for their in-processing brief, and the hold unders got to go lounge around in another room. We were called into the briefing for a short little while, and I decided that I am really grateful that I got to be a hold under and show up in the middle of the night instead of being part of the herd. They all looked very nervous and some of them seemed flat out upset. 1st Sgt. gave them a stern little lecture about not being a screw up, that didn't really seem to put any of them at ease. In fact I would say his speech had very much the opposite effect. They all looked very tense throughout the whole thing.

There's another herd of students scheduled to show up tomorrow, and at long last class will finally be starting on Monday. I'm finally going to be moving from my current position as military janitor/grounds crew, to AIT student. This is a very big step in my military career.


Unknown said...

Did the 1st Sargent use the phrase "squared away"?

Julia said...

Ha! Yes, of course he did.

Unknown said...

They always do!

Unknown said...

Julia! How long are you going to be in AZ? And do you know when you are coming to Monterey to learn Russian? And I'm assuming since you are blogging, we can also email you instead of writing letters. I hope you are doing well and having some adventures. I look forward to the updates.