Thursday, November 1, 2012

What are you going to do...

Funny how I always manage to find time to blog while Justin is away.  He's gone again, off to Idaho for another drill, and as always, he leaves and my life falls into chaos here.  It's almost as if my company waits until he is safely away and then bombards me with as many inconveniences as they can in his absence.  Regardless, it's been that kind of a week and I had just wrapped up our evening phone call and went into the bathroom to wash my face and get ready for bed.  I was still thinking about our conversation that had just ended and was being a little absent-minded when I reached for the bar of face soap with my wet hand.  I fumbled with it and it shot out of my hand, and of course directly into the toilet.  Why is it that in this type of situation the bar of soap does not just bounce around on the bathroom floor?  Because it's that kind of week, that's why.  So I stood there with a wet face staring down at my soap resting peacefully there at the bottom of the toilet bowl, and after a second of considering my options figured what the heck, and reached down and fished it out.  I rinsed it off with hot water until I was satisfied that the outer layer had dissolved, finished washing my face and it is now back in it's soap dish, slightly smaller than it was prior to it's adventures this evening.  I know there are people out there reading this that are probably kind of grossed out, but the truth is, I don't care, because it's been that kind of a week and the best I can do this week is shrug my shoulders while I fish my soap out of the toilet and carry on. 


Unknown said...

You crack me up. And if you need an escape, call me. I hope your week gets better. :-)

Shalmeno said...

Yup. I know exactly what that feels like. I sincerely hope your weekend and next week are better.