Saturday, January 25, 2014

Breaking up with my couch

I haven't updated this in several months, ever since our trip ended.  Our lives have been pretty boring since the trip, primarily because we found out about a week before the trip ended that we will be expecting a little addition to the family.  The due date is July 21st.  Unfortunately by the time we arrived back in Boise the morning sickness had already started.  Why didn't anyone tell me that I would feel like barfing every single time I brush my teeth?!  WHY?!  It's the part I hate the most. 

Coming home from a 3 week road trip sick, isn't exactly how I had envisioned things.  I think ideally one would like to have a clean house and freezer meals in place before months of illness descend on them.  Fortunately it's just the two of us, so our lack of preparedness was...ummm, well it all fell to Justin, and he's been great.  Laundry, dishes, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking, you name it, he's done it.  I was one of the unlucky women who don't get morning sickness in waves, but rather in one large, long tidal wave that is incessant unrelenting nausea.  I've been logging a lot of long, boring hours on my couch trying to hold down the last meal, but here we are in week 15 and I think I have at long last recovered and today I had long stretches (hours long) where I felt totally normal.  NORMAL...well, aside from the fact that I still slept an absurd number of hours last night, and I have developed a sense of smell that could rival a bloodhound.  Although this naturally only applies to repulsive odors.  I think that Justin is equally relieved to see the morning sickness break.  He's already developing a list of future outings, and seems pretty eager about the possibility of me resuming my normal household duties.  We've been super excited all along, but it's even easier to feel excited when I don't feel sick.  We really cannot wait for July.  We're not finding out what I'm having.  Justin would, but I love surprises, so he lets me have my way on this one.

Now if we could just get the weather to warm up.  I'm more than a little bit ready for spring!

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