Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Little Addition

When Justin and I first got married I came with an entire trailer full of gear.  Justin showed up with a couple of boxes.  I attributed this difference in personal possessions to the age gap, and the fact that I'd spent years living on my own.  This made sense to me, and still does.  Now what does not make sense to me is that our offspring has finally arrived and she has been accompanied with massive amounts of gear.  Our apartment has been hijacked and taken over by supplies for the youngest and smallest member of our family, and the one with a complete inability to procure these items for herself.  It's crazy.  We love it.

She and I spend hours together every day doing nothing, since Justin has given me strict orders to follow the doctor's advice to just be resting and recovering right now.  I don't follow those instructions quite as diligently as Justin would like.  I told him the other day that I feel like "I'm recovering" is just code for "this is a good excuse for me to be lazy."  To break the monotony, yesterday we played dress up together for a few hours.  She tried on all kinds of outfits that have been gifted to her by her Aunt Sarah.  I am fairly certain that one of us enjoyed the experience, and the other one hated it.  I made it up to her by allowing her to spend the rest of the day nursing, her favorite thing to do.  It's obvious to us that this is her favorite thing to do, but really any lingering doubts about that were put to rest the other night.  I fell asleep with her on the couch, while trying to let her dad get some sleep in the other room.  I woke up to her having managed to latch on and start nursing through my garment top.  I didn't even know such a thing was possible, but there you have it.

So far this whole baby thing hasn't been too bad.  Although, periodically Justin and I have remarked to each other that we pity her a bit for having us for parents.  We really have no clue what we're doing, most of the time.


7ducklings said...
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7ducklings said...

My dearest Julie,

I literally cried when I read the last couple of sentences in your blog. I was overwhelmed with feelings of how wonderful you two are and EXACTLY what little Vivian needs in this life!! You are perfect and always much better than you think you are. Be assured, you are wonderful amazing people and the Lord will guide you every step of the way. Angels are always around you to encourage, strengthen and give confidence. Your children will all be blessed because of you two. I love you so much!!!

Marilyn Talbot

Unknown said...

I still feel that way about Lily (the no clue part)--and I'm two years in. Hopefully I'll figure it out someday; probably by the time she leaves for college. Until then, I just hope she doesn't wind up on a therapist's couch. :-)