We spent the rest of the evening in small groups distributing signs to the homes throughout the ward. We were asked to instruct ward members to only post their signs during the day, since there is a group of men going around stealing signs out of people's yards at night. They also told us, after they handed out a bunch of bumper stickers, to be aware that people who have been putting them up in their back windows have had their cars keyed.
My home teacher told me that he knows it's a group of men driving around at night from house to house stealing Prop 8 signs because he's seen them. He said that Sunday night he and his roommate took shifts keeping watch on their signs, in the hopes to get a license plate number of the thieves. My home teacher also told me that he chased a gay man (presumably gay, since he was described as being approximately 120 lbs., sporting a very tight t-shirt, with spikey hair) who had stole his sign, but he wasn't able to catch him. Too bad, I wish they would catch them so I could post my sign out there without concern. Instead I posted it on my balcony where it would be more difficult to remove.

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