In Utah I spent a lot of time with the littlest nephew, and so I got some pictures on my phone. Meredith asked me to post them, so here you see him on game day:

Love the cowlick.
...and I thought these little white sweatpants were hilarious. They made his thighs look even shorter and wider than ever.
I love that kid!!! What a cute "little" guy he is... can't wait to see him this month! He looks like he has grown so much since we saw him in Sept!
Frankly, I am surprised Jared put those pants on him. As someone with a serious disdain for sweats, he should have noticed the unflattering way in which that pair clings to the baby's nether regions.
His Wal-Mart camo sweats, on the other hand -- now, THOSE are cute!!
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