Tuesday, December 2, 2008


In Utah I spent a lot of time with the littlest nephew, and so I got some pictures on my phone. Meredith asked me to post them, so here you see him on game day:
Love the cowlick.

...and I thought these little white sweatpants were hilarious. They made his thighs look even shorter and wider than ever.

He loved the dog, and the dog tags...
...but I'm fairly certain that the feeling wasn't mutual. Dan is a very patient little dog, but I think Thor crossed the line when he discovered Dan's tail and gave it a good tug.


The last Unicorn said...

I love that kid!!! What a cute "little" guy he is... can't wait to see him this month! He looks like he has grown so much since we saw him in Sept!

Sarah said...

Frankly, I am surprised Jared put those pants on him. As someone with a serious disdain for sweats, he should have noticed the unflattering way in which that pair clings to the baby's nether regions.

His Wal-Mart camo sweats, on the other hand -- now, THOSE are cute!!