Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A change of plans

I was going to get married in May, but Justin's tuition payments have fallen victim to the inefficiency of the Army. We've decided that rather than try and sort it all out and risk never being reimbursed for the money we'll have to front for tuition payments, to just call it for this semester. Now we're getting married on February 18th, President's day weekend, at the Mt. Timpanogas temple. It's still not terribly convenient timing, but that's the Army for you. We did however get to spend two weeks together over Christmas exodus. We spent a little time with my family at the beginning and end of exodus, and most of the inbetween on vacation with his family. I have included pictures here of us from the trip.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Justin. I like him a lot without his glasses, but unfortunately he's all but blind without them. The good news is that I still like him a lot with them too. This is him on a ferry boat on the Mississippi River.
This is a picture of us with his whole family at a restaurant in New Orleans where we had our Christmas eve dinner.

This is us in Dallas at the Grassy Knoll on the street where JFK was assassinated.

This is us at the zoo in Houston. He doesn't like this picture, because he says he doesn't know why I'm all slouched over and not smiling. Neither do I.

This is a look I get from him a lot, usually when I've just tried to get a little bossy. We were on a tour of a swamp in New Orleans.

This is again, not a spectacular picture of me, but it's one of my favorites of him so I decided to throw it in.

This is us on the beach in Biloxi, Mississippi.

This is also one of my favorites of us, at the Jefferson Davis house in Biloxi.

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