Thursday, August 15, 2013

What Just Happened There?

I arrived in Utah a couple of weeks ago to attend an interrogation course.  It was great, and really nice to get a chance to get some applicable job training again.  It's been a while since I did any training unrelated to Russian.  Just as my course here was ending Justin was flying in to attend WLC, a training course he has to attend for his upcoming promotion.  (Which we are very excited about, but at the same time I secretly, or not so secretly envy, and I wish that I had beat him to it.)

 Immediately following my one-week course I had drill.  We spent the whole weekend in the field doing things I haven't done since basic training, like practicing land nav, hand grenades, and room clearing, along with some new stuff like doing a swimming qualification.  I'd be lying if I said that went well.  I have all the buoyancy of a brick, and then you shove me in a pool dressed in uniform and hand me a fake m16 and tell me swim across without letting the barrel go under...let's just say me and my barrel went under.  More than once.  I also sucked at making my pants into a flotation device.  This is why I'm not in the Navy.  Regardless, it was a very fun, but busy, tiresome weekend that for the most part kept my mind off the fact that Justin was not with me...again. 

Since drill I've remained here in Utah, since Justin is still here in training until the end of the month.  Sometimes in the evenings he has enough free time that I can drive up to Camp Williams and see him for a couple of hours.  He's usually looking pretty tired and frankly our time together is quite short, but I would still rather hang out here just to get an hour or two of face time with him every couple of days than drive back to Idaho and not see him again until the end of the month.

This evening I was headed up to Camp Williams to meet him and go running.  I was preparing to turn right onto Redwood Rd, I crept forward maybe an inch or so and then realized the car approaching was speeding (not unusual on that road) and decided to stop, and wait until he had passed, rather than pull out in front of him and risk being in an accident.  I neglected to note the absent-minded driver behind me who immediately rear ended me when I braked.  She hit me pretty hard actually, and when I got out of the car I'm not going to pretend that I looked forgiving or cheery.  Our conversation went something like this:
Her: What just happened?
Me: rear ended me!
Her:  Well it looked like you were going to turn.  Why did you stop?
Me: Because there was a car coming.
Her: Ohhhh...okay.
She walked around to the back of my car to inspect the very large dent she had placed in my rear bumper, and try and rub off the bits of paint from her car that were still there.
Her: doesn't look damaged.
Me: It's dented!
Her: Oh, do you think it's dented?
Me: Yes! It's definitely dented.
Her: Hmmm...I guess it is dented.  Do you think that we should exchange information?
Me: Yes!
Her: My name is Tiffany and here's my phone number.  Just give me a call.
I don't know if she thought I was going to call and invite her over for dinner or what, but she seemed kind of insulted when I requested a last name, her license plate number, and her insurance information.  Very weird, and truthfully pretty annoying.  I was fuming and making all kinds of rude remarks about her by the time I met up with Justin.  He thought it was pretty funny.  It's taken me a little longer to see the humor in the incident, but I'm getting there.  Thankfully his amusement over the incident calmed me down enough that I finally let it go and we had a nice evening together.  I should be able to see him for an hour or so tomorrow too, and I'm looking forward to it.  It's the best part of my day.

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